Sunday, March 22, 2009

TweetDeck and Twitter

I have a confessions to make. Yes, I'm a twitter junkie. I have totally become hooked on Twitter. I twitter in the morning, at noon, and before I go to bed. I have twittees from all corners of North America. I follow education tweets, teaching tweets, fitness tweets, and alas, Coquitlam tweets. I am absolutely amazed at the things I've learned.

For those of you who don't know what Twitter is, it's a social networking site. It allows you to converse in 140 letters or less, what's going on and share different websites that are pertinent to your areas of interest. You can follow different tweeters whom you think are interesting or who seem to be helpful. One of my favourite tweeters is a teacher from Boston who tweets the best free sites for teachers. If you have a question about something, tweet it; someone will answer it!

If you haven't discovered this yet, check out the Twitter site. It's a great place to learn things and hear things!

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